Academic Support
At CSG, we meet students where they are and give them the tools they need to succeed.
Our Learning Specialists support students who need that extra boost and design learning plans for students with specific diagnoses such as dyslexia and ADHD. Additionally, they work with students who need more challenging material.
Students are supported by a team of faculty and staff. Their Division Director, Learning Specialist, and teachers work together to discuss interventions and future plans for success, including independent and group work. In partnership with the family, the team works together to forge a path forward for each child.
In Lower School, our Reading Specialist consults with teachers to plan and deliver CSG’s Word Study program. The specialist works individually and in small groups with students who need reading support.
In the Program for Young Children and in Lower School, students have access to speech and occupational services. Occupational therapy is offered through Form 5, while speech therapy is offered through Form 2.
Jennifer Glimpse
PYC & LS Learning Specialist
614.252.0781 ext. 208
Claire Rothchild
Lower School Reading Specialist
614.252.0781 ext. 428
Rachael McCloskey
Middle School Learning Specialist
614.252.0781 ext. 236

Serena Lett
Upper School Learning Specialist
614.252.0781 ext. 291