This is Lower School…
We are...
Asking big questions
Exploring connections
Thinking beyond ourselves
Bringing intricate ideas to life
Building courage and perseverance
Students are always growing—not just in inches, but in creativity, confidence, and intellect.
During these formative years, teachers help our Lower School students identify who they are, what they’re interested in, and how they work through challenges.
Our 5 pillars of learning in Lower School
Our language arts curriculum promotes strong connections between reading, writing, word study, and oral language. Girls become strong readers because teachers monitor their growth through a literacy program rooted in the National Reading Panel’s 5 pillars of reading instruction and current cognitive research.
Computer science
With an emphasis on the 4 C's of collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking, Lower School students create digital, robotic, and physical projects while learning to program (code). In addition to learning how to think systematically and logically about a problem, these experiences help students bypass gender stereotypes to view themselves as computer scientists early on.
Immersed in a Singapore-based curriculum, students learn to see life with mathematical eyes, building strong visual/spatial skills. This experience gives them the abstract reasoning skills needed to solve problems and explore the four principal operations with whole numbers, fractions, and decimals.
Exploring everything from ecosystems to solar systems, students are immersed in an inquiry-based science curriculum. Spending ample time in the lab, students roll up their sleeves, dial in their microscopes, and collect evidence to support their learning.
Social Emotional Learning
Throughout their school experiences, Lower School students learn the value of their voice and the essential communication tools needed to respectfully engage with their peers. Practicing respect and building empathy, our girls build trust in themselves and their community and gain confidence to share their opinions and take risks.
Students are encouraged to think outside the box, dive deeper, and think critically.
The Lower School’s unique curriculum allows students to expand their minds and explore new ways of thinking and learning.
Special Areas
Foreign Languages
Music, Strings & Band
Computer Science
Physical Education
The growth and development of each girl is not a destination—it’s a journey.
Our students leave Lower School as adept problem solvers who know how to advocate for themselves. Having worked through a curriculum that emphasizes building resiliency and forming a growth mindset, our girls enter Middle School with a keen sense of self and a drive to explore.