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Betsy Esser

Meet the Director

As Director of the Center for Global Studies & Citizenship (CGSC), Dr. Betsy Esser works with the community to build our global citizenship education for Pre-K through 12. Beyond expanding our student travel options, she collaborates within each division to define and build global citizenship in our students through intentional curriculum and student experiences. Betsy has served as the Program for Young Children and Lower School Counselor for 13 years.

About the CGSC Program

Global education is not an “add-on” or stand-alone program, but a framing paradigm from which CSG situates its entire curriculum. This paradigm incorporates global perspectives into traditional content and provides additional content and programming for enhanced experiential learning.

Global citizenship education at CSG not only prepares students to enter the workforce and global economy, but also challenges them to change or recreate systems that are unjust and oppressive. Global education realistically educates students about the challenges the global society faces while instilling in them a belief in their ability to act and collaborate to solve these challenges.

The Center for Global Studies and Citizenship (CGSC) will provide opportunities for students to enhance their global education through additional programming, cultural exchanges, and travel. 

Through her involvement with the CGSC, your daughter will investigate her world, starting with her local community and building outward; understand and appreciate perspectives and world views of others by engaging with people and other students around the world; communicate ideas verbally and non-verbally, with diverse audiences through virtual and micro-exchanges, global travel, and service learning; and take action to make a difference in the world.

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Save the Date

  • This Spring Break 2024, Upper School students had the opportunity to participate in our Upper School Global Travel Program.
  • Middle School and Upper School students are participating in intercultural dialogues with students from around the world throughout the school year. 
  • Upper Schoolers had the opportunity this school year to participate in Model UN Club